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U Wnuka Inn Zakopane

U Wnuka Inn Zakopane

Słoneczny dzień. Drewniana jednopiętrowa karczma z użytkowym poddaszem, stromym dachem pokrytym gontem, stoi przy ulicy, częściowo na chodniku. Przed nią tablica z napisem Karczma u Wnuka, otwarty parasol i ogrodzenie z drewnianych sztachet ze słupkami z kamieni. Po lewej stronie wysokie drzewo i przed nim ogródek z kwiatami. Za karczmą wysokie drzewo, po prawej ulica i za nią inne zabudowania. Na niebie niegroźnie jasne chmury.

ul. Kościeliska 8, 34-500 Zakopane Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

tel. +48 182064167
The first restaurant in Zakopane, the first shop and post office and even a casino were located here. The "U Wnuka" Inn, built by Sabała's brother, was also one of the first two-storey houses in Podhale.

In 1850, it was built by Józef Krzeptowski, proving that Zakopane builders can create large residential and commercial houses using traditional log construction. The rooms on the ground floor housed the first restaurant in Zakopane, the first post office and the first shop. Many of Zakopane's first distinguished guests and inhabitants passed through this house, including Walery Eljasz, Tytus Chałubiński, Jan Kasprowicz, Władysław Orkan and many others, whose names are associated with the oldest period of "discovering" Zakopane. When Józef Krzeptowski's granddaughter married Jan Wnuk, a Lviv restaurateur with experience in Parisian kitchens, a restaurant famous throughout the entire Podhale region was established here. During the communist era, it was owned by the local PSS "Społem", and since the changes in 1989, it has been run by a private tenant. In 2020, the building underwent a minor renovation; among others, the roof and some of the so-called gables were replaced. The building is located very close to another monument, the Old Church and in the Zakopane Old Town, i.e. along with historic wooden highlander cottages in the Kościeliska Valley.

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