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The Granary from Podwilk, the Orawa Ethnographic Park Museum (Orawski Park Etnograficzny) in Zubrzyca Górna

The Granary from Podwilk, the Orawa Ethnographic Park Museum (Orawski Park Etnograficzny) in Zubrzyca Górna

Drewniany, niewielki, prosty, jednopiętrowy budynek z drewnianym balkonem i drzwiami, kryty gontem to lamus plebański z Podwilka. Po prawej budynek łączy się z drewnianą zadaszoną bramą, od góry wykonaną z listew, część dolna w całości z desek, osadzoną na bielonych murkach. Z lewej strony budynku ogrodzenie z desek i murków bielonych przykryte daszkiem z gontem. Po lewej i za budynkiem rosną wysokie drzewa liściaste. Przed budynkiem trawnik z kwitnącymi na biało stokrotkami.

Zubrzyca Górna, 34-484 Zubrzyca Górna Tourist region: Beskid Żywiecki i Orawa

tel. +48 182852709
The farm granary transferred from Podwilk (Jabłonka municipality) is a wooden building from the 17th century. It is part of the Orawa Ethnographic Park that was established to preserve the architec-ture and culture of the Upper Orawa region. The place was the set for such films as 'Janosik' or 'Og-niem i mieczem' ('With Fire and Sword').

Covering an area of 12 hectares, the open-air museum  was opened in 1955. It presents the architecture as well as the material and spiritual culture of the Orawa region, which emerged from the combined influence of the settlement of Wallachian shepherds and farmers coming from the northern part of Małopolska. On the territory of the open-air ethnographic museum, you can see more than 60 objects forming several dozens of exhibitions on various subjects, which present the social life in Orawa in the 17th–20th century. One part of the exhibition of park character consists of manor buildings. The second part alludes in its layout to the dispersed chain village which was the most common in Orawa. Here, in the peasants' homesteads, you can learn about the living conditions of the rural population, both the poor and the rich farmers. The old industrial buildings, such as: an oil press, a fulling mill, a lumbermill, forges and a dyeworks with a mangle, present the production processes and the work of craftsmen. There are also sacral and public buildings as well as street furniture, all surrounded by beautiful nature, which creates a spatial arrangement of exceptional architectural and natural qualities. The wooden parsonage granary with a gate at the entrance to the open-air museum is an example of the street furniture of manor houses. The farm building dates back to the 18th century and has a first floor with a gallery and is covered with shingles. A roofed entrance gate adjoins to it.

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