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Sanctuary of Our Lady of Okulice

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Okulice

Na trawniku duży drewniany krzyż. Po prawe alejka prowadząca do prostokątnego, jasnego, wysokiego i długiego kościoła z ozdobnym wykończeniem u góry. Po lewej przy kościele niskie, arkadowe krużganki i drzewa bez liści. Po prawej za kościołem budynek. Niebo lekko zachmurzone.

Okulice 54, 32-712 Okulice Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

tel. +48 146851094
tel. +48 694451438
The Marian cult in Okulice started probably in the 13th century, when the Mother of God was to appear during the battle of Bogucice in 1285.

The present Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built on the site of earlier churches. The first church, a wooden structure, collapsed in 1550. In 1588, the construction of a chapel was started, in which an image of the Virgin Mary was placed. Even then, the shrine was famous for its votive offerings and pilgrimages, although it was not consecrated until 1647. 

The extended chapel of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Alexander was consecrated in 1691; later, a brick bell tower was built next to it, and one of the bells is still in place today. The church burned down in 1780, but the image of the Virgin Mary and the bell tower, which was converted into a chapel, survived. In 1809, the construction of the church, which was severely damaged in a flood in 1813, began. By 1836, the temple was in poor condition, so repairs were carried out between 1838 and 1840. The church later suffered further damage and was in danger of collapsing in 1886. Construction of the new one took place between 1949 and 1959.

The shrine houses the miracle-working image of Our Lady and Child, painted on linden boards. It is a copy of the original Jasna Góra painting. It was crowned in 1962.

Adjacent to the shrine in the parish building is the Marian Hall, which displays statues and images of the Virgin Mary from around the world.

Indulgence feast celebrations: Pentecost, the feast of the Nativity of Our Lady and St Joseph.

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