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Sanctuary of Our Lady of Myślenice, Myślenice

Sanctuary of Our Lady of Myślenice, Myślenice

Widok z góry. Dach z kominami, po lewo w dole ogrodzenie z cegły i przy nim stojące samochody. Na wprost jasny kościół z wysoką, kwadratową wieżą, u góry z cegły, ozdobioną arkadami i z zakończeniem ostrosłupem z krzyżem. Za wieżą główna nawa i nawy poprzeczne z sygnaturką na ich łączeniu. Po prawej nawa z kopułą i sygnaturką u góry. Dalej panorama na budynki i drzewa. Niebo pogodne.

ul. Królowej Jadwigi 5, 32-400 Myślenice Tourist region: Beskid Mały i Makowski

tel. +48 122721237
The church was built in the mid -15th century, and received an early baroque chapel in 1642–1646. The miraculous image painted in Italy in the 16th century is kept in the chapel.
It used to belong to Pope Sixtus V, yet it reached Poland thanks to Duke Jerzy Zbaraski. The painting was due to be burned in Zbaraski’s palace during the plague, yet it was hidden by the Duke’s clerk living close to Myślenice. When the clerk was losing his eyesight, he experienced a miraculous healing thanks to Mary and tears were seen on the face of the Mother of God. Soon, the painting arrived at the parish church in Myślenice and became the object of numerous pilgrimages. Nevertheless, with the passage of time, the worship of Our Lady of Myślenice declined even despite its coronation with papal crowns in 1969. The most important festival is held in the sanctuary on 8th September– the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In addition to this, nocturnal Fatima services with vigils are held here on the 13th day of every month from May to October. It is worth knowing that the image of Our Lady of Kalwaria from Kalwaria Zebrzydowska is modelled on that from the Myślenice sanctuary.

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