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The Roztoka Valley

The Roztoka Valley

Wzburzony górski strumień z wystającymi kamieniami w Tatrach Wysokich w Dolinie Roztoki. Po bokach różnoraka roślinność.

58-173 Roztoka Tourist region: Tatry i Podhale

The extraordinarily charming valley leading from Mickiewicz Waterfalls to the Valley of Five Polish Lakes (Dolina Pięciu Stawów Polskich) is a place frequently visited by tourists and is one of the largest and most beautiful valleys on the Polish side of the High Tatras.

The route is characterised by a fairly steep ascent in the first section of the hike, then the path flattens out and leads along a scenic path through the forest before leading sharply upwards again in the final stage. Walking along the valley floor, we can admire the steep slopes of Mt Wołoszyn. After about 1.5 hours of walking, reaching the fork at the trail's culmination, we have the choice of approaching the Valley of Five Ponds via the black trail towards Świstowa Czuba or the green one via Siklawa Falls. Both routes are similar in terms of walking time: around 45 minutes. The strenuous hike up the mountain, overlooking Krzyżne and the towering Buczynowe Turnie, is well worth the effort, and the sweeping panorama that unfolds in the distance before the chalet is stunning. Although the trail to the Roztoka Valley begins at Mickiewicz Waterfalls, every kilometre counts so it’s a good idea to calculate the distance from the car park in Palenica Białczańska all the way to the waterfalls.

There is a fee to gain entrance to the valley.

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