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Dom Jana Szczepanika przy ulicy Chopina Tarnów

Szczepanik's House at Chopin Street 11 Tarnów

Na wprost fragment górnej części narożnej zabytkowej kamienicy o ciekawej elewacji z okrągłą wieżą na rogu z kopułą nad ozdobnym gzymsem przypominającym barierkę tarasową. Niżej prostokątne dwa okna. Po prawej i lewej wąskie, wysokie okna w attykach. U góry bezchmurne niebo.

ul. Chopina 11, 33-100 Tarnów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

Brilliant Polish inventor – Jan Szczepanik, together with his wife Wanda Szczepanik and the rest of the family, lived in a different tenement from 1915.
This one was built by his father-in-law at Chopin Street 11. It is unknown whether he was working on any invention there. His last years of life were spend travelling from Tarnów to various German cities, where he had assignments. His last hard moments of his sickness he was spending in Berlin, where in 1926 his wife came with his son to take him to Tarnów, where he lived with his family, to pass surrounded with his loved ones.

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