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‘Solar System’ Fountain Tarnów

‘Solar System’ Fountain Tarnów

Na brukowanym placu fontanna z wieloma kulami różnego koloru. Po prawej z bliska marmurowa, ciemna kula na podstawce z wodą, Za nią dalej po prawej brązowa. Na wprost w głębi główna kula w kolorze pomarańczowym z jasną siatką, wokół niej nisko tryskające fontanny i ośmiokątny postument. Po lewej w tle jasne dwie kule i bliżej czarna. , mniejsze szare, beżowe lub brązowe kamienne. Za kulami kilka schody i klomb na około z kwiatami. Z tyłu drzewa i fragmenty budynków.

ul. Krakowska, 33-100 Tarnów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

Near the railway station, on Father Jerzy Popiełuszko Square, an original, first and only space fountain depicting the Solar System was built in 2010.

In the middle of a circular square surrounded by trees and paved with stone blocks is a fountain 28 metres in diameter, modelled on the solar system. In the centre is a golden sphere made of glass and steel representing the Sun, from which water jets gush out, resembling the Sun's rays. The sphere, placed in a circular pool of black basalt and moved by water, spins around its axis like a real celestial body. All around on steel orbits embedded in the cobblestones, you can see the other planets in the form of appropriately sized spheres of black, brown, grey and beige granite, placed on pressurised water cushions so that they move and rotate around their axes. The background for the Solar System diagram is black basalt, in which small diodes have been installed to imitate other shining stars in the galaxy. The fountain is spectacularly impressive and, especially in the evening, is a major tourist attraction, and by no means only for the youngest visitors. Beautifully illuminated, it creates a cosmic atmosphere and is an unforgettable spectacle. In addition to its educational function, basic information about the individual planets is placed on silver circles that are their orbits.

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