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Sukiennice (Cloth Hall) in Krakow

Sukiennice (Cloth Hall) in Krakow

Rozświetlony kwadratowy plac Rynku Głównego w Krakowie, widziany z góry z wieloma rozłożonymi parasolami, z szerokim budynkiem Sukiennic z arkadami i podcieniami na całej długości, tarasem nad nimi z otwartymi parasolami po prawej, z wieloma oknami pod płaskim dachem, z wykuszem pośrodku. Za nim po lewej kwadratowa wieża i kamienice wokół placu. W tle panorama miasta pod niebem z kolorami zachodzącego słońca.

Rynek Główny 1-3, 31-042 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

Situated in the middle of Krakow's Market Square, the Sukiennice is one of the city's symbols. Even though it has existed since the 13th century, it initially looked completely different.

The first stone merchant stalls were built by Boleslaw V the Chaste. They stood in two rows, forming a kind of alley in the middle of the market square. In the second half of the 14th century, a brick roofed hall was built, which burned down two centuries later. During the reconstruction, the Sukiennice was rebuilt with Renaissance features. The building was given a magnificent attic with mascarons, and the great hall was divided into two floors. Besides, the resulting floor was used for commercial purposes. The present appearance of the Sukiennice was also determined by reconstruction in the late 19th century, during which pointed arcades were added. Today, there are, among others, exquisite restaurants. The first floor of the building is occupied by the Gallery of 19th Century Polish Art, a branch of the National Museum in Krakow. Per the tradition of this place, inside the Sukiennice, there are stalls where one can buy souvenirs of Krakow, including hand-made wooden products, leather bags, jewellery or highlander scarves, and even a complete Krakow costume.


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