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Dom pod Krzyżem Kraków. Centrum Interpretacji Niematerialnego Dziedzictwa Krakowa

House under the Cross (Dom Pod Krzyżem) in Krakow – Intangible Heritage Interpretation Centre of Krakow

Zabytkowy budynek, kwadratowy, narożny z charakterystycznym krzyżem na fasadzie budynku wiszącym nad dużymi drzwiami z łukiem. Za budynkiem inne budynki .Po prawej i lewej ulice z parkującymi samochodami. Niebo częściowo zachmurzone.

ul. Szpitalna 21, 31-024 Kraków Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 124225258
The historical building at 21 Szpitalna Street in Kraków, whose history dates back to the Middle Ages, once housed St Roch's Hospital (szpital św. Rocha), part of the hospital complex run by the Order of the Holy Ghost. For many years, the building housed an exhibition on the history of the Krakow theatre.

Since March 2021, the House under the Cross has been the seat of the Intangible Heritage Inter-pretation Centre of Krakow functioning as a Branch of the Museum of Krakow. The Centre's activities are based on the definition of intangible cultural heritage enshrined in the 2003UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage. At present in the museum we have an opportunity to become acquainted with the traditions cultivated and maintained by the inhabitants of Krakow. We have a chance to meet people full of passion: Cracovian crib-makers, Cracovian lace-makers, and the organisers of the Lajkonik parade. The department organises numerous educational , as well as theatre activities for children and young people related to Krakow's heritage and traditions. Temporary exhibitions and various events are held there. The premises of the House under the Cross are intended to be available to Cracovians for the creative processing of their heritage.

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