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General Bem's family house in Tarnów

General Bem's family house in Tarnów

Na wprost duży, murowany budynek o szarych ścianach z wieloma prostokątnymi oknami, z podporą na środku. Na ścianie między oknami po prawej wiszą dwie tablice pamiątkowe, jedna pod drugą. Wisząca wyżej większa, w jasnej ramie, niżej, mniejsza, ciemna. Przed budynkiem rosną dwa wysokie drzewa z liśćmi w kolorach jesiennych, częściowo zasłaniając fragmenty budynku.

ul. Plac generała Józefa Bema 8, 33-100 Tarnów Tourist region: Tarnów i okolice

The national hero of Poland and Hungary, General Józef Bem, was born on 14 March 1794 in Tarnów, in a house in the suburb known as Burek. This name comes from the cobblestone pavement of the market square which exists to this day.

Soon after the birth of their son, the Bem family moved from Tarnów to Krakow. Currently, on the front wall of one of the houses standing at today's General Józef Bem's Square, there is a commemorative plaque built in 1910 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of  the death of this hero. Unfortunately, in fact, the general was not born in any of the houses standing by the square. In the 18th century, the buildings on Burek Square were wooden, and it is not known in which of the modest buildings or manor houses Józef Bem was born. It was not until the mid-19th century that all the buildings on the square were rebuilt in brick. Today, the plaque is located on the wall of a tenement house from the first half of the 19th century, built according to the doctrine of the French architect Durand, which assumed that residential buildings should be useful and decorations unnecessary. The tenement house with the plaque is symmetrical and simple with a nice courtyard enclosed with porches on four sides.

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