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The Parish Church of St Nicholas in Czulice

The Parish Church of St Nicholas in Czulice

Wnętrze drewnianego kościoła. Na wprost trójbocznie zamknięte, bogato zdobione prezbiterium z ołtarzem głównym z obrazem. Przed nim stół i po prawej ambonka. Przed stołem stoi figura Chrystusa. Bliżej chrzcielnica. Po lewej wisząca ambona. Sufit prezbiterium ozdobnie malowany. Przed prezbiterium po bokach ołtarze boczne z obrazami świętych. Na ołtarzu po lewej stoi figura Matki Bożej z dzieciątkiem. Po jednej i drugiej stronie nawy stoją drewniane ławki. Z sufitów zwisają dwa wieloramienne żyrandole.

Czulice 31, 32-010 Czulice Tourist region: Kraków i okolice

tel. +48 123871966
The church dates from 1547. It was built using log construction with vertically boarded and moulded walls. It is visually divided by pilasters.
The nave and chancel are covered with separate roofs – the nave has a gable roof, while the chancel’s is polygonal. The interior of the church is covered by a flat ceiling, and the fittings include a late-baroque main altar from the mid-C18th with a painting of Our Lady of Consolation”,” and two rococo side altars from before 1827. It is worth paying attention to the entrance portal to the sacristy”,” which has a lintel in the form of a trefoil and a tombstone from the C15th. The first mentions of Czulice come from 1325. In the 14th century, the village was owned by the Czuliccy family, Czewoja coat of arms, the founders of the local church. In 1410, the senior of the family, Imram Czulicki was killed in the battle of Grunwald. According to the tradition, two chroniclers stayed in the village: Jan of Czarnków and Jan Długosz. The last owner of Czulice was Franciszek Van Wollen. During the war, many participants in the Warsaw Uprising found their shelter in Czulice.

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